Here’s a throwback to my trip to India in 2006. This trip itself was a mixed bag. I openly say it is my least favorite country visited, due to the unfriendly nature of the people, racism and the caste system, difficult and restrictive travel, and totally standing out as a blonde-haired white woman. Still, I feel blessed for the experience and wouldn’t trade it.
One of the highlights of the trip was meeting and spending a few days with one of the most interesting travelers I’ve come across to date, Elizabeth aka Nefaria. She pretty much made my trip and while I HATED to be the center of attention, my friend Nef loved it and was virtually a rock star. We’d have lines of people waiting to meet us and take pictures with us wherever we went (and this was in the pre-selfie days). Sadly, I lost touch with her after my trip and then found out she died in a tragic car accident a few years after she returned to the States.
RIP Nefaria