With the weather forecast for the storm to hit South Island that night, a park ranger had suggested to me that I find a nice place, hunker down, and just plan on reading a book the next day, I drove a whole day to get to an area I wanted to explore as soon as the weather lifted-Westland National park with both the Franz Josef and Fox glaciers.With the weather forecast for the storm to hit South Island that night, a park ranger had suggested to me that I find a nice place, hunker down, and just plan on reading a book the next day, I drove a whole day to get to an area I wanted to explore as soon as the weather lifted-Westland National park with both the Franz Josef and Fox glaciers.

Just before 7, I pulled into Josef Franz village; a tiny little town- about 3 blocks by 2 blocks in size.
A couple Canadian travelers pointed me to a good place to stay for the night. Little did I know that this place was completely full of character and a free “dinner and a show”.
When I checked in, there was hot soup and popcorn waiting and the check-in staffer Benjamin said he’d “be playing with fire” around nine and that I should stick around for that and then a “hummersine” would be coming by to take a bunch of us bar hopping.

Benjamin did not disappoint- at 9pm, he closed up the office, cracked a bourbon and coke (it comes in cans here) and cranked up the tunes from his truck. In the back of his truck he had a tub of kerosene and all sorts of fire props and juggling torches. He went into the street (fewest obstacles and things that could catch fire) and proceeded to twirl and toss batons, did some flaming rope tricks and entertained everyone in the vicinity (girls staying across the street suddenly wished they were staying at our place).
Cheap entertainment in a quirky little town.

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A “hummer-sine” to take us 2 blocks to a partner bar. Genius move on their part: they gave us each one free (totally watered down) shot and we each bought at least one drink, some food,, etc.
The Canadians pouring a round of our free shots from a “shot gun”: